4 police officers in uniform walking the Todd Mall in Alice Springs NT

200 more police in the Territory

The NT Government will ensure NT Police has exactly what it needs to keep the community safe.

Investing to build up the ranks of the Northern Territory Police by providing funding for an extra 200 sworn police officers. These 200 extra officers will be delivered over the next four years.

These extra officers will be in addition to the current sworn officer target of 1,642 for the Northern Territory Police – taking the total to 1,842 over four years.

These extra police officers will ensure that the capability of the Northern Territory Police to combat crime is increased and responsiveness to the community will improve.

A recruitment drive to attract new recruits from across the Northern Territory and the nation is to start soon.

If you're interested in joining the police, keep an eye out for details on how to apply and get prepared to submit an application.