
For young people

Personal safety for young people covers a broad range of issues, from physical safety in public spaces to digital security online, such as:

  • physical, mental, and emotional safety
  • online/digital safety
  • having and maintaining situational awareness.
Important numbersContact
Emergencies 000
Police assistance 131 444
Fire assistance132 500
NT Emergency Services assistance 08 8999 3473
Crime Stoppers NT (to report suspicious behaviour) 1800 333 000
Victims of Crime NT 1800 672 242
NT Mental Health Line1800 682 288

To ensure your personal safety it requires you to:

  • educate yourself and keep up to date with current information
  • encourage and maintain open communication with family and friends, and
  • introduce practical strategies to deal with situations.

Having the knowledge and tools to protect yourself, will you help navigate 'life' with a greater confidence and security.

Tips for staying safe

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Trust your instincts and leave situations your feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
  • Understand the risks with alcohol and drug use and how to safe at parties or social events.
  • Create a list of emergency contacts.
  • Have a buddy system in place.
  • Identify safe routes and trusted places.

  • Understand what privacy settings are, the purpose and how to activate them.
  • Understand the risks of sharing person information and what not to share.
  • Know what makes a strong and unique password and understand the importance of not sharing passwords.
  • Learn what is cyberbullying, how situations occur and how to handle and report cyberbullying.
  • Keep open lines of communication with your family or friends about your online experiences.
  • Be cautious again meeting online friends in person without others support or adult supervision.

  • Understand a healthy versus an unhealthy relationship, both on and off-line.
  • Equip yourself with strategies to handle peer pressure, to help you make decisions based on your values an comfort levels.
  • Foster an environment where you feel comfortable to discuss your concerns and experiences.

Hosting, planning or attending parties

The NT Government's website has some great tips about hosting, attending and planning parties for young people.

Territorians of all kinds enjoy partying and celebrating. Whether it's a beer at the bar, a few more at a festival or an all-night rave, just be prepared and stay safe.

Alcohol and drugs can impair judgment and make you more vulnerable to dangerous situations.

Here are some simple tips to help reduce the risk of things going wrong by:

  • knowing how you're getting to and from the event or location
  • knowing your limits – especially when consuming alcohol
  • being aware of drink spiking - never leave your drink unattended
  • watching out for your friends
  • being aware of drug use.

School leavers (schoolies)

Planning on attending a 'schoolies' event at the end of your school 'years'?

Find out how to keep you and your friends safe, especially if you are planning an overseas trip.

Go to the Smartravellers website for tips on keeping yourself and your friends safe while to enjoy your 'schoolies' experience.

Mental health support for young people

Go to the NT Government's website for a list of support and services, along with contact details, to help with mental health.

Go to our social and emotional well-being page for more information.

Find out more

Darwin Youth and Community Hub

The Darwin Youth and Community Hub will provide young people from 8 to 18, their families and the community with a safe space to hang out and engage in programs, activities and support services.

GREATS Youth Services

GREATS Youth Services (GYS) provides a range of activities and programs for youth, aged between 10 and 20 years of age.

Young people and parties

Parties and socialising with peers are a fun way for young people to learn personal and social skills they need as they become adults. Learn more about planning a safe party.

Think you Know

Learn about keeping young people safe online.

Learn to stay safe online

National Cybersecurity Alliance want to make it easy for everyone to learn more about cybersecurity and staging safe online.

Crushed but okay

Tips to help young men manage rejection and provide practical tips on how to manage this normal experience.

Bullying No Way

Bullying No Way assists Australian school communities with resources and activities for a proactive approach to bullying prevention and education.

Safe and Sound Program

Safe and Found program is designed to support people living with dementia, autism or other cognitive impairment who might be at risk of becoming lost or reported as missing.